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  • Based on the actual typographic data of each Summit

  • Made out of Borosilicate glass (Also used on Space Shuttle for it’s heat resistance and high strength)

  • Each product we sell helps contribute to cleaning up the mountains - Click here to learn more

  • Beautiful packaging, making the perfect gift

  • Choose from any of the 7 summits

  • Handmade and mouth-blown

  • Shipped within 48 hours

  • Buying as a corporate gift? - Click here

  • Based on the actual typographic data of each Summit

  • Made out of Borosilicate glass (Also used on Space Shuttle for it’s heat resistance and high strength)

  • Each product we sell helps contribute to cleaning up the mountains - Click here to learn more

  • Beautiful packaging, making the perfect gift

  • Choose from any of the 7 summits

  • Handmade and mouth-blown

  • Shipped within 48 hours

  • Buying as a corporate gift? - Click here

Why do I need this product?


nos montagnes! 

Nous reversons une partie de notre bénéfice pour la protection et le nettoyage des montagnes suisses.


Cet argent contribue à l'organisation du Clean-Up tour de la fondation Veveysanne SUMMIT FOUNDATION, une série d'actions nationales de nettoyage en montagne.


De plus à chaque étape, celui qui trouvera l'objet le plus insolite sera récompensé par un verre Alpinte en cadeau. #catchoftheday

Why an Alpinte Glass is the Perfect Gift

Premium Packaging & Presentation

We take as much care in presentation as we do in crafting our glasses. Each piece is thoughtfully packaged for safe delivery and designed to create a lasting impression from the very first moment.

Fait à la main

Tous nos verres sont réalisés entièrement à la main de manière artisanale. Soufflé à la bouche chaque pièce est unique. 



Nous apportons une grande attention à la qualité de nos verres, c'est pour cela que chaque pièce est controlée individuellement.

Need more than one glass?

Our exclusive box of 4 On the Rocks glasses, containing 4 emblematic peaks to choose from: the Matterhorn, the Dent Blanche, the Jungfrau, the Dents du Midi, the Titlis, the Eiger or the Piz Bernina. An exceptional gift that will delight all whiskey and cocktail lovers.

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